Thursday, July 30, 2009

Farm Share...

This summer was the first summer that my husband and I invested in a farm share at a local organic farm. Each week, starting in June we have been blessed over and over again with a bounty of fresh greens, vegetables and some fruits.

I think this has been one of the best, if not the best, investments we have ever made. We had no idea what it would be like or what we would get. Having all this fresh produce in our refrigerator week after week has really kicked up our vegetable and greens intake. My kids are also joining in! Last night, my 15 year old daughter ate sauteed kale with chicken sausage...and asked if she could have the rest! Seconds...for kale? That was the most awesome feeling ever for me with regards to what I am feeding my family. Even the little kids are getting into it. My youngest loves to pick which bunch of greens we will take home each week at pickup and the boys (the worst veggie eaters ever!) are even trying things. I have found that once everyone gets involved in the process they suddenly have a vested interest and will at least try everything on their plate. I am looking forward to taking a field trip out to the farm soon to help with weeding and to hand pick some of the veggies out there.

Fresh, just out of the ground, organic, local produce is something I have been missing out on all my life! I can't emphasize enough how much this is changing our family and our eating habits. And the taste? Amazing! Everything grown conventionally that is sold in the grocery store, it all tastes like plastic to me...yes, there is a difference!! Do a taste test sometime with an organic vs. non organic fruit or vegetable or green. They are light-years apart in taste...I kid you not!!


Great-Granny Grandma said...

That sounds wonderful. Is that just for the summer? Or is it a year round sort of thing? We have a farm not far from where I live that has a program that sounds something like that, but it is soooo expensive. Maybe I'll be able to do it next year. I know what you mean about the taste difference.

Kirsetin Morello said...

Just got back from the Farmer's Market. Best arugula ever! Which farm did you join? Trillium?

Anonymous said...