Is there a modern convenience you can’t live without?
Hmm, well let's see...
When I think about this question and go down the list of things I have and love, I do find myself saying that I could live with out the item if I had to. There are not many things I feel like I need to have. However...
I really can't imagine my life without a washer and dryer. Seriously! How in the world would I ever get ANY laundry done? It would go from once every couple weeks (he he), to once every couple months...yep, definitely "need" that! My family gets annoyed with me enough as it is with the laundry issue.
TV? I prefer to have it off at all times. I love silence. So I know I don't need that.
Vacuum? That would just stink to not have that...I would want one of those, because I am not sure how I would get all the little bits of junk out of my carpet...although I suppose I could just get rid of the carpet and sweep instead!
Car? That is a tricky one. I think I couldn't live without it but I suppose if I didn't have one that could also result in less running around and better planning ahead. Plus, it would facilitate more exercising!
Electricity? I think this is one thing I would not want to lose. Because if I did (and have), I would not be able to do laundry or vacuum. But really, if it were a life or death situation...I can do without. But definitely wouldn't want to!
Hip Mom mentioned she kept wanting to put the bible on her list of things she couldn't live without but decided that because it wasn't a modern convenience it didn't count. I thought about that and decided it did count. There was a time in this world when the bible was still being written. The people of this time could only learn of God's greatness by word of mouth. It was a confusing time for many as they figured all of this out, to put it simply. So the fact that at one point in time the bible did not exist, there were many who were at more of a disadvantage than we are today. We can use it and scour it and follow what it has to teach to us. It is the rule book for life. You can find an answer to ANY question in there! It is indispensable. That being said, I certainly, absolutely, CAN NOT live without my bible. No exceptions!
And besides, if I lost everything in my list above and still had my life would still be as rich as it is today. Probably even more so if all I had left to do was read it!
How about you? What's on your list?